Banish Debt Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Jasmine

When money luck is stuck and debts are mounting up, light a purple candle and some incense. Sit down and write a list of sums you owe with a black pen on some parchment paper. Gaze at the candle flame for some minutes. Visualize yourself being debt-free and experiencing sensations of relief. Look at the list again, and sprinkle some salt upon it. Fold the paper, and put it into an envelope. Seal it up, and on the front of the envelope, write:

Money, money, come to me,
I desire to be debt-free, And as I will, so mote it be!

Dab some bayberry oil on each of the envelope's four corners, then pass the envelope over the incense seven times. Do the same over the candle flame before extinguishing it. Take the envelope to the nearest stream, and set it afloat along with a flower. Make a resolution never to become ridden with debt again.
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