POSTED UNDER Earth, Home, Love

Cemetery Divination with Oya

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Frankincense

This ritual is not for the squeamish! Work with the energy of Oya, the goddess of the cemetery, to help you use divination tools. Just don't be surprised at what your cards or crystals may reveal, however.
Start by finding a quiet, secluded place to sit in the cemetery, preferably on a bench in a visitor's area. If you wish, however, do this at the grave of someone you love or who is famous and beloved. Bring some red grape juice for Oya and yourself, and dress in burgundy, burnt orange, or brown. Walk around a bit to orient yourself and become comfortable with the energy. If you do not feel comfortable, try this another time or at another cemetery. Drink some of the juice and pour a little into the earth near a tree or bush. Ask Oya for help in answering your question you have. Do your divination now if possible, focusing on one question only. Burn a candle in one of Oya's colors when you get home. You may do the actual divination at home after the cemetery visit if you prefer.
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