Health and Athleticism Spells

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Carnation

Most of us could use more exercise and could stand to pay more attention to our health and fitness. Sagittarius the Archer can help us keep on track with our exercise and help us avoid the holiday weight gain. Find a statue or image of the Archer and also a statue of Diana with her bow and arrow for your altar. Write down your fitness goals. Buy some rosemary or black pepper essential oil and place the bottle of oil in your gym bag. Go to your altar, and place your fitness goals by the statue of Diana. Ask her to inspire you as you exercise and then leave her a copy of your goals. At the gym, sniff the essential oil when you feel the need for more energy, and then visualize the goals that you wrote down earlier. As the Moon waxes, see yourself working toward your goal. Talk to Diana or to the Archer as you work, and allow them to act as your be your exercise coaches through-out this season.
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