POSTED UNDER Spring, Winter

Veiled One Power Ritual

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Frankincense

In Irish and Scottish folklore, the spirit of winter was personified as an ancient figure known as the Cailleach, or Hag. Her name means "Veiled One," and she is a mysterious figure indeed. As springtime approaches and retreats in cycles, the Cailleach is said to be using her wand to prevent the arrival of spring. Winter is her season of power, so she hopes to extend her reign as long as possible. Perform this ceremony to honor the Cailleach, Veiled One of Winter. Place a gray or purple cloth on your altar, and light a white candle. Make an offering of juniper, mistletoe, and club moss while saying:

Spirit of winter,
Season of the sleep of death
And season of rebirth,
I call you, Veiled One, Ancient One,
You who guards the powers of the wilderness.
Honor to you, and rest for three seasons,
Until your time of power shall come again!
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