Praise Isis Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Parsley

To the ancient Greeks and Romans, Isis was queen of the stars, the seas, and sailing. This day was set aside to honor her because it was when the seas would begin to calm, and the sailing season would begin again. Keeping this in mind, let this be a day to celebrate the loosening of winter's grip. Place cut flowers around the home, light pastel candles, and place small mirrors nearby to reflect the candle flames. As you gaze at the flames, visualize winter's gloom being released and reflected from the mirrors. If you can get outdoors, place a small bouquet of flowers into a body of water as a gift to Isis. At night run a luxurious bath with your favorite oils, and bathe in the light of a vanilla-scented candle. As you bathe, say: "Isis, queen of sky and sea, let your spirit reside in me."
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