POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Garden

Honoring the Earth Goddess Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang
Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Ylang-ylang

Among the oldest rituals observed by the ancients were those that honored earth goddesses. Known by various names, like the Roman Ops and the Greek Rhea, these goddesses guarded the harvested crops. Today was set aside in ancient Rome to give thanks to their earth deity, Ops. Little is known about these sacred rites, as they were very secret. It is known the ritual was simple. The earth itself was her altar. Her followers touched the soil with their hands. With the harvest season upon us, we can honor the earth goddess in many ways. Visit a county fair and observe the produce. Shop at your local farmer's market. Donate to a food bank. Press a coin into the earth. Take time to crumble the garden soil in your hands and breathe its earthy scent. Let any small, earth-oriented task be a ritual in her honor.
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