Color of the day: Purple Incense of the day: Ginger Incense of the day: Ginger Harvest takes place throughout August and September, depending on the latitude and the type of grain being grown. In Celtic countries people of old grew oats, barley, spelt, and rye. This was a time of great celebration. Everyone dressed in their finest and gathered in the fields to thank the God of the Harvest. The head of the family or group took up a sickle and, facing the Sun, cut a handful of grain. The grain was circled around his or her head three times, and everyone recited a reaping salutation. Here is a traditional Scottish reaping blessing for you to use in your autumn harvest rituals: On the day of the feast, At the rise of the Sun, I go forth with my sickle To reap the first cut. May the gods bless my reaping, Each ridge and plain and field, Each ear and handful in the sheaf. |