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Family Event Destressing Ritual

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Rose

While many times a family gathering may be a happy event that is well planned and anticipated with much joy, it can also sometimes be a nerve-racking event, especially if you are the one hosting. Before the guests arrive, make time for yourself. This should last about an hour, and you should be the only focus. Take a hot bath with some grounding, calming bath salts. Center and relax. All the planning is done. The focus is now on you. In the bathroom, burn candles that give off calming scents. Ginger-bread, vanilla, lavender, and apple spice are good aromatherapies. Place a piece of sodalite in your pocket to remind you to be personable with your guests. A quick prayer to Hestia is helpful too.
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