Find an Item Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Evergreen
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Evergreen

This time of the year can be rather hectic with socializing and family gatherings and so on. It's easy now to lose or misplace an item. Use Mercury's energies of clear thinking today for a spell to help you find your lost item. To do this you will need a mirror and a small magnet, two candles-one black, representing loss, and one orange, representing memory-and some patchouli incense. Set up the candles in front of the mirror, and place the magnet in the middle of the mirror. Walk around the room clockwise with the lit incense three times, saying:

I invite the elements
As I walk around
To help my lost item
Be soon found.

Touch the magnet as you recall when you last saw the item. While the candles are burning, try to find it.
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