Energize Your Exercise

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Jasmine

Make your exercise routine magical. Don't have a routine? Now is a good time to begin. Choose an activity you enjoy-jogging, weights, yoga-and concentrate on the results you desire. Before you begin each time, center yourself and focus your intent on your goal, whether it's weight loss, muscle toning, or just a feeling of general well-being. The body is a vehicle for the soul and we must care for it to keep it in the best condition. Make your exercise a ritual. Choose music that makes you feel good and raises your energy level. Pay special attention to your breathing. During your warm-up activity, face east and chant the following out loud, or silently:

Power of the radiant Sun,
Fill me with your glow.
My body is a special gift,
Let my strength and spirit grow.

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