Color of the day: Ivory Incense of the day: Parsley Incense of the day: Parsley In Celtic tradition, the summer half of the year (Beltane to Samhain) was the male half, and the winter part of the year (Samhain to Beltane) was the female half. This was reflected in the veneration of certain gods and goddesses as well as in folklore traditions. The Irish celebrated Beltane at Uisneach, the cosmological center of Ireland. This was the home of the Dagda, a powerful god of abundance, fertility, and druidical magic. He owned a cauldron of inexhaustible nourishment and a staff with the powers of life and death. Invoke the Dagda by holding a cauldron in your left hand and a rod or staff in the right, chanting his three names: Great Dagda Noble One of Great Knowledge Great Father of Many Horses until you see him in your mind's eye. |