POSTED UNDER Cat, Passion, Purification

Touching the Flame Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

The element of fire represents heart, passion, energy, purification, and destruction. Its stones include garnet, carnelian, and tiger's eye; its scents include cinnamon, orange, and juniper. All the "warm colors"-red, orange, and yellow-represent fire. The best way to commune with fire, of course, is to light a fire. The best offerings are sacred woods. Many traditional woods are ideal fuel for a cookout; apple and oak in Europe, hickory and mesquite in America. Use wood chips over charcoal in a grill, or whole branches in a firepit. As you light the fire, say:

Fire, we give you what
You like best.
Join us now.
Make us blest.
Fire, we share with you
What we eat.
Give us light.
Give us heat.

Remember that any food that falls off the roasting stick or grill into the fire itself also belongs to the fire spirits.
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