POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Charm, AND MORE

Honoring Your Deities and Protecting Your Home (A Spell for Passover)

In Hebrew mythology, the God of the Israelites sent the angel of death to Egypt, but he passed over any home visibly displaying allegiance to Him by placing lamb's blood on the doorpost. Magical people often guard the entryway to their homes with talismans, which can be designed to pay honor and tribute to a home's patron deities. Select the talisman's ingredients and shape by learning all you can about your patron deities and their sacred symbols. As you place the talisman on your doorpost, dedicate it to your deities by name, then say: "On this dwelling I place a charm, to ward away ill-will and harm; by the sacred blessings of three times three, as I will, so mote it be."
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About Edain McCoy
Edain became a self-initiated Witch in 1981 and was an active part of the Pagan community since her formal initiation into a large San Antonio coven in 1983. Edain had researched alternative spiritualities since her teens, when she was first introduced to Kabbalah. Since that time, she studied a ...
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