POSTED UNDER Family, Peace, Protection

New Moon Conflict Resolution

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Lavender

The holidays sometimes mean family conflict. We do not always get along as we should with our family, and this ritual is all about working to overcome some of these conflicts. On white paper, write in black letters the emotions that you feel may surface as you come in contact with some of your family members. Maybe even go so far as to write down specific issues that exist between yourself and these family members. Gather together a fireproof tray or cauldron, a black candle for protection, and yellow and white candles for peace and resolution. Create your sacred space, and call upon Hestia to join you. Light the candles. Talk to her about what you would like to achieve. Then take your papers and burn them on the fireproof tray or in your cauldron. Release these issues and emotions as you watch the flames eat the papers. Give thanks to Hestia, and ask that she remain to help you over the sticky issues that may arise. Finish by clearing your sacred space.
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