POSTED UNDER Air, Bath, Bathroom

Bathroom Break

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Almond

Most of us live fairly stressful, overscheduled lives, and we need to find time to relax. But in the time you get for a bathroom break at work, you can achieve a healthy state of relaxation that will benefit your mind, body, and soul. First, take a deep breath. Bend your neck forward and circle it around, stretching the muscles. Circle your wrists and feet. Take another deep breath and tense your feet. Hold that for a second and then relax. Feel the relaxation in your toes, your soles, your arches, and your ankles. Continue up through your entire body. Be sure to include areas you might not ordinarily think of, like your ears, lips, and jaw. Breathe deeply, filling your lungs as you relax. Just be with that experience of complete relaxation for a time.
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Kristin Madden is an author and mother, as well as an environmental chemist and wildlife rehabilitator. She is the Director of Ardantane's School of Shamanic Studies. A Druid and tutor in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, Kristin is also a member of the Druid College of Healing and is on the ...
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