Saturday Resolutions

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn, associated with such concepts as time and karma. As the last day of the week, it also corresponds to completion and resolution. These factors make Saturday an ideal day to deal with any mundane or magical tangles that have come up during the week. Light a stick of cypress or cinnamon incense, or wear wintergreen oil. Wear a Saturn stone such as onyx, jet, or garnet for added support. Then meditate on recent challenges and how you met them. If you got into a disagreement that hurt someone's feelings, or otherwise wronged someone, try to make amends. Even better than a verbal apology is a practical demonstration of caring, such as the gift of a favorite food or other treat. You might offer to do a chore that's usually someone else's responsibility-or even just do it without saying anything. Repeat weekly.
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