Leap Day

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Mint
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Mint

Today is an extraordinary day! It only happens once every four years. That is enough cause to jump for joy-a precious day that rarely makes an appearance. An extra day! Traditionally, this is the day where women are "allowed" to propose to men. In the twenty-first century, that's possible every day. Instead, take full advantage of "Leap Day." Today is the day for you to take a leap in your life-a Life Leap Day! What is something you always wanted to try? Do it today. Open up a new vista. Invoke Nicevenn, a Scottish goddess often equated with Diana, to bless your new venture. Take the day off from your "normal" life and do something unusual and extraordinary in honor of the day.
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