POSTED UNDER Children, Moon

Clay Moon Calendar Spell

Children are especially in tune with the Moon. This natural interest can be encouraged with a simple Moon project suitable for any age. First, create a ball of clay or dough to represent the Moon. Paint half of the Moon black and let it dry. Then, find a cap such as those used on vitamin bottles that you can use to hold the Moon. Determine the Moon phase for the day you will do this project, and arrange the crescent appropriately. For waxing Moons, the lit side will look like a "D." For waning Moons, the lit side will look like a "C." Each day, adjust the Moon to reflect its phase. You can simply use this to observe the Moon phases, or make a request on the dark of the Moon. Turn the Moon each day, and say these words, "Goddess of the Moon, you move so soon. Every day I wait, when will you grant my boon?" By the end of the Moon month, your request will be answered.
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About deTraci Regula
A student of the sacred sciences since childhood, deTraci Regula explores the mystical through writing, dreams, and art.  She has been a Priestess of Isis with the Fellowship of Isis since 1983.  With David Harrington, she is the co-author of the upcoming biography of their friend Scott ...
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