POSTED UNDER Friends, Prosperity, Sun

Salute to Taurus

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Myrrh

The Sun is in Taurus now, and it's a good time to salute this aspect of sturdiness and steadfastness. Is there something in your life that needs stabilization? This is the time to work on it-especially since today is Thursday, a day of increase and prosperity. Check your astrological chart. Do any aspects fall in Taurus? Celebrate those parts of your personality. Wear solid colors. Eat substantial food. Drink a deep, red wine. Celebrate long-standing friendships (send a card, shoot off an email, make a phone call). Make long-term plans for your future. Celebrate stability! Celebrate Taurus!
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