Your Tarot Avatar

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Lavender

Obtain your tarot avatar by doing the numerology on your birth date. Add together your month, date, and year of birth until you arrive at a number less than twenty-two (for example: 11/23/1977 = 1+1+2+3+1+9+7+7=31 = 3+1=4). Go through your favorite tarot deck and pull out the Major Arcana card that corresponds to the number you obtained. Study this card until you can picture it clearly with your eyes closed. Picture the card in your mind's eye and then blow up that image as though you were viewing it life-sized through a patio door. See yourself opening the door and walking out into the landscape of the card. Take your time. Explore this setting as completely as you wish. When you are ready, approach the main figure in the card respectfully and ask that he or she share with you messages about your life journey. Thank the figure for his or her assistance and return to your own world. Return to the card whenever you wish for further insight.
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