POSTED UNDER Charm, Garden, Sun

Substitution Charm

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Clary sage
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Clary sage

Yarrow is an all-purpose blooming herb. It is an easy perennial to grow in direct Sun and a wonderful addition to any Witch's garden. I often think of yarrow as the herbal equivalent to the white, all-purpose spell candle. Yarrow may be used in an emergency to substitute for any other magical herbs in your spell work. Just use the dried yarrow blooms instead, and then repeat the following herbal spell substitution charm. Please note: this information is for herbal charms and spells only. This information is not intended to treat any medical issues.

Yarrow is the magical
All-purpose herb,
Elements four gather 'round And hear my words.
Switch one herb for another, It will work out fine,
I seal this magic up
With the sound of a rhyme.
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Ellen Dugan is the award-winning author of fifteen books, and is known as the "Garden Witch". A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is a Master Gardener, and is the High Priestess of her Coven in the St. Louis area. ...
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