Wishing on a Star

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Bay laurel

The Moon is cresting in Aquarius. In the Major Arcana of the tarot, the Star card corresponds to this zodiacal sign. The Star can represent hope, faith, and the promise of a guiding light. Try this simple tarot spell if you need a wish granted and there's a cloud cover in the night sky. Perch the Star card upon your altar. Light a lavender candle as the crescent Moon rises. Quieting your mind and softening your gaze, allow the vision of the eight-pointed star to become a beacon of sparkling light, glimmering in the twilight. Point your wand or right index finger directly at the star. Feel its warm magic and begin to chant:

Star of wishes
That come true,
Light my way
And guide me to
A vision of
My future prize.
Illumine where
My fortune lies.

State your wish and wait for the answer by closing your eyes, breathing into total relaxation, and engaging your intuitive voice. Hear it whisper to you.
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