Spell to Impress

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Myrrh

This spell is designed to get on the good side of a boss (or teacher). It uses a powerful tool often not discussed in the occult: metaphor. "Apple polishing" is a metaphor for currying favor with a superior. In this spell, we'll use the metaphor to create the reality. Buy the most beautiful apple you can find. Get a bright yellow cloth. Burn cinnamon incense. Repetitive motion is very effective in spells. Rhythmic activities such as drumming, weaving, or reciting verse, all help induce a trance state and aid concentration. You're going to polish the apple rhythmically. You might choose one word to repeat while polishing, such as "approval" or "success" or "impress." Ground and center. Visualize how successful you are, and how much the boss approves of your work. Polish the apple while continuing this visualization. When you finish, say "So mote it be!" Give your polished apple to the boss as soon as possible.
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