Resolution Meditation

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Vanilla

With the revelries in the past and the New Year now officially underway, it's a good time for reflection. Resolutions are often easily forgotten a few days into the year, but meditation can focus the energy of your intentions to produce your goals. Settle yourself in a meditative manner with a piece of parchment, a pen, and a white seven-day candle. Write your goals in a positive, active manner, being exact about what you are working toward. Once all your goals are listed, fold the paper once and place it under the seven-day candle in a safe location. Light the candle, sending positive intent toward your goals and asking for the universe's energy to aid you. Each time you walk past the candle, send thoughts to the goals again. Each morning as you pass the candle for the first time, reaffirm your goals and fold the paper once more. By the time the candle burns out, the paper should be folded seven times. Put the paper in a place of honor on your altar and continue sending your energies toward your goals at each ritual throughout the year.
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