POSTED UNDER Earth, Snow, Wind

Snow Traction

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Thyme

Those of you who live in cold northern regions are facing snowy driving conditions at this time of year. One way to deal with slick driveways and roads is to improve the traction. You can create a mixture for use where needed to keep your vehicle from skidding in the driveway or get it unstuck if you wind up in a snowdrift. First, fill a large container (like an empty detergent jug) with equal parts of rock salt, kitty litter, and sand. Next, concentrate on the elemental energies of Earth. Pour that into the mixture, saying:

Salt of the Earth, holdfast against the cold!
Clay of the Earth, keep traction firm and deep!
Sand of the Earth, grip and let nothing slip!

Seal the jug and store it in your vehicle. To use, sprinkle the mixture on the ground and repeat the incantation.
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