POSTED UNDER Spring, Water

Removing Obstacles to Abundance

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Mulberry

Sometimes we can't figure out why we're having trouble bringing abundance into our lives. What's blocking the path to abundance? Removing those obstacles now, before planting season begins, will allow your finances to grow unobstructed during the fertile season to come. On a slip of paper, write habits, doubts, or fears that may be preventing the bountiful abundance you seek. Fold this slip of paper several times, dip it in water, and freeze it. This represents the barriers on the path to your abundance, locked in ice. Build a fire in your fireplace or barbecue grill. Toss the frozen slip of paper into the flames and say:

Remove these obstacles from my path,
Clear the way as abundance comes back,
By ash and soot, flame and steam,
Abundance now freely flows to me!

As spring approaches, plant your seeds of abundance unhampered by obstacles of the past.

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