POSTED UNDER Autumn, Garden, Love, AND MORE

Spell for Good Fortune

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Almond

Roman citizens celebrated the festival of Unfailing Years for the goddess Anna Perenna on this day. They picnicked in the country and made offerings of cake and wine to the Crone goddess in the hopes of assuring that the circle of the year would be completed happily. If you live in a climate where picnics in March are out of the question, bake a cake made with banana, hazelnuts, and a pinch of nutmeg for good fortune. Bring a large piece wrapped in green paper and a bottle of wine to your garden or a park in your neighborhood. Leave your offering beneath a tree of your choosing. As you pour the wine into the ground say:

From spring to summer, unfailing
From summer to autumn, unfailing
From autumn to winter, unfailing
From winter to spring, unfailing
Love and peace, unfailing
Good health, well-being, unfailing
Abundance, inspiration, unfailing
The sacred ring, unfailing.
Goddess, make it so!

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