POSTED UNDER Earth, Love, Spring, AND MORE

Spring Goddess Meditation

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Pine

The wheel is turning and spring is imminent, though it is hard to feel that way after a long, hard winter. To feel the connection to the birthing of spring, dress in fresh, pastel colors. Light candles of yellow, sky blue, and lavender. Light orange-scented incense and settle into a meditative state. Close your eyes and feel your deep connection to Mother Earth. Find yourself in a fresh meadow full of white and yellow flowers. The Sun is shining and the birds are singing. Very still and sitting in the grass is a lovely young woman whom you know instinctively to be a goddess. She looks at you and smiles; you follow the direction of her eyes and see young animals frolicking in the grass. You smile and feel the delight of youth, birth, and freshness. You walk to her and she holds your hand. She whispers a word, something you need to know right now to connect to the zestfulness of new life. Then you take a deep breath and open your eyes back in the here and now. Write the whispered word on a yellow piece of paper and keep it as a reminder of your connection to the eternal youthfulness inside you.
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