POSTED UNDER Charm, Earth, Water

A Grass Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Apricot
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Apricot

Before human or beast walked our Earth, the wild grasses were growing and they were already ancient. Grass provides our planet with life-giving oxygen. Fresh green grass is one of April's most beautiful sights, and it's a good spell ingredient to use when you want to make a wish come true. Here is one such spell. On your altar light one yellow and one green candle. Between them place an ordinary rock and a few blades of common lawn grass. Concentrate on your desire. Then rub the grass on the rock until there is a green stain. Bury the grass and rock together and sprinkle the spot with water.
Recite this charm:
"Rock and grass, I return you to Mother Earth. What I want shall come to pass." Grass is the essence of the life force and will give energy to any spell.
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