Healing a Broken Heart

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Pine

Our hearts get broken into pieces both big and small. Big love affairs cause big hurts and small slights cause minor fractures. To heal the heart broken by many small things, gather together a piece of red or pink fabric, scissors, paper, felt-tipped pen in red or pink, glue, a green candle for healing, and lavender incense for peace. Light the incense and breathe in the peaceful feeling. Draw a heart on the paper and cut out a similarly sized heart shape from the fabric. As you think about the small hurts that have fractured your heart, cut a piece from the heart-shaped fabric. When you are finished, take a deep breath and look at the pieces. Light the healing green candle and say, "By my magic and by my love, I mend my fractured heart." Start gluing the fabric pieces onto the heart shape on the paper. Fill in gaps with the colored pen, all the while concentrating on mending and re-knitting the fabric of your emotions and your heart. When you are done, hold the mended heart to your own heart and say, "Patched and healed, love revealed," until you feel wholeness again. Keep the patched heart in your journal as a testament to your ability to heal and to love again.
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