Spell for Releasing Ideals

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Carnation

Make a circle on the floor and place around the edge ideals that you wish to see working in your life. These could include freedom of speech, fairness in the work place, etc. Call the directions from the center, then say:

I call upon the powers that be
To release within me, Three times three
The morals that I wish to see
The ideals that will now spring free!

One by one pick up the papers and read aloud the ideals three times. Think how you will effect this change in yourself or your world. Open the circle and gather them, keeping your thoughts on the ideals. Place them one by one in a fire. As the smoke rises, your power rises to the cause.

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