Life’s Little Rituals

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Bayberry
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Bayberry

A wise Witch once told me that life is full of little rituals. We do them without even thinking, but for every moment in life, there is magic. Is there a ritual for washing dishes? Perhaps you think of the feasts you and your loved ones share, and how the Goddess' bounty has been plentiful. Perhaps you give thanks when you wipe your plate clean clockwise. Want some others? We sweep the floor clean, and we "sweep" away the dust from our souls as well. We drive to destinations and do rituals to keep us safe while we venture forward. Even kissing a loved one goodbye is a ritual, a promise to return to our lives. Sometimes when the mundane gets me down, I recall, "For life's little moments, ever played, a little magic will be made." Honor your everyday rituals today.

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