Full Rose Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Frankincense

This Full Moon is also called the Rose Moon. Let's incorporate a bit of garden witchery into your esbat celebration. The rose is sacred to Venus and encourages enchanted love and romance. You will need a glass bowl filled with water and a open fresh rose with the stem clipped off (so the flower can float upon the water). Fill the bowl and set the rose to float. Carefully hold up the bowl and allow some of the Moon's light to pass down into the water. Slowly lower the bowl and look into it, repeating three times:

On this magical night of the Full Rose Moon,
I do ask the Goddess to grant me a boon.
By the enchantment of this Full Moon night,
I ask for a love to light up my life.
Now increase romance, send a loving partner to me.
For the good of all, and by the power of three times three.

When finished, allow the rose to stay in the water until it fades. Then pour the flower and the water neatly on the ground outside as an offering to the Goddess.

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