POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Moon, AND MORE

Enchanting Your Food

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Alder
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Alder

The Moon is in Taurus, which is a great sign to perform magic having to do with the physical plane. As Witches and magicians, we must strive to live a fully magical and spiritual life. However, we often forget about the simple things. We are constantly eating, which gives us a constant opportunity to perform magic! Numerous cultures are indeed shocked that we in the West have forgotten the art of blessing and giving thanks for our food regularly. Next time you sit down to eat, cup your hands over the food and say a prayer in your own words. Here is an idea for a prayer you can say or chant:
Behold, Great Spirit. I honor that I am permitted to take this food into my body and give thanks for the sustenance it brings. I enchant this crop of the Earth with the energies of holistic health and balance and ask that these properties permeate my being as I consume this food. So mote it be.
Envision the food glowing with energy (a color of your choice), and know that the energy will carry into your body and flow through your blood, empowering you all the more.
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