Color of the day: Topaz Incense of the day: Lavender Incense of the day: Lavender At times, anger becomes a part of our lives. It can be very easy to allow that anger to remain within and fester into a dark void inside ourselves. If allowed to remain there, it can even grow to become a dominant force in our lives. It is said the only true cure for anger is forgiveness, forgiveness for whoever or whatever brought about the anger in the first place. It is not easy to forgive. It takes great strength and conviction. Some positive meditation time is also optimal. With a pink candle for emotional healing and some soothing incense, the following chant to the Lady is a good starting point. After loss, there is gain. After pain, there is healing. Let the anger I hold be healed From within and without I release my anger toward ________ Anger has no place in my life or power over my heart All ills are healed, all wrongs forgiven Let there be peace for now and all time. So mote it be. |