I Need A Hug Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marjoram

September 9, 2009

Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Marjoram

Sometimes we need a reminder that we are okay just the way we are. You will need a piece of chocolate or other favorite candy, a pillow or teddy bear, a mirror, and a fuzzy blanket. Use soft pastel candles and flower-scented oils or incense. Pink rose quartz will further enhance the environment. Settle deeply and comfortably into your most comfortable chair or couch. Surround yourself with the scent and lit candles. Wrap the blanket around you and hug the teddy bear. Hold the mirror up and gaze deeply into your eyes, saying:
As I look into this glass
I know bad feelings will pass.
The good inside me bursts out free
As I will it, so mote it be!
Eat the chocolate, hug the teddy bear, and spend some time feeling cozy, warm, and happy.
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