Mr. Splitfoot’s Red-Thread Charm

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Balsam
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Balsam

This is a charm from Old Craft tradition. To make a special request, tie a red thread around your left wrist. (Or right wrist, if you're left-handed.) Someone else can do the tying, but don't explain the string to them. Do this in the Horned One's name (the red thread is one of His symbols). Simply call on Him, as Old Hornie or Mr. Splitfoot, and state your request. Be as specific as possible. Wear the thread until it falls off. Several times a day, you should focus on the thread, call to the Horned One, and repeat your request. Don't tell anyone else what the thread is for, even if they ask. When the thread breaks, your request will soon come to pass. If it doesn't, Mr. Splitfoot has denied your request. Sometimes, sadly, the answer is "no."

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