Honoring Your Dearly Departed

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Hail be Halloween! As they say, the "veil between the worlds" is now at its thinnest. This is the ideal time to communicate with and pay homage to those who have crossed the veil and left this world. Indeed, countless celebrations of death take place on or near this day each year around the world. This is the Celtic (and Wiccan) New Year and is most definitely the witchiest holiday of them all! During your Samhain celebration, allow yourself time to enter a meditative state. Think about family, friends, and pets that have died. Bring to mind the fondest memories of them all and speak aloud any messages you wish for them to hearthey will in fact hear what you have to say. Leave for them offerings of food, drink, and incense, and allow your energy to merge with theirs enough to say "hello" and "blessed be." Tonight, spend as much time with them as you'd like.

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