Synthetic Technomagic

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Synthetic materials work best for holding and manipulating synthetic energy, just as natural materials work best for natural energy. Plastic comes in many useful shapes and colors. Among the most convenient items are dice. Ordinary six-sided dice work fine, but like most magical tools, fancier ones may hold more energy or otherwise deliver better results. Fantasy role-playing games use dice with four, six, eight, ten, twelve, and twenty sides. They include opaque, translucent, marbled, metallic, and many other styles that work especially well with synthetic energy. You can use a single die, like a rheostat, to control the intensity of a technomagic spell. Cast the spell-for instance, a simple protection spell for your computer-into the die. You might leave it at "3" most of the time, and turn it up to "5" or "6" if the computer starts to waver. More faces give finer control.
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