POSTED UNDER Blessing, Friends, Love, AND MORE

New Moon Fertility Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
On March 15, the annual Shinto fertility festival Tagata Honen-Sai is celebrated. Carrying a giant wooden phallus through the streets, worshippers bless local farmers and farms with fertility. With the New Moon, turn your focus to fertility: nourishment, growth, and rebirth. What is started now grows with the waxing Moon, becoming gloriously full, abundant, and bright. What has lain dormant during the Moon's darkness can now be resurrected and enjoy rebirth. Whatever your focus, be it a thought, feeling, belief, action, activity, or idea, it will grow. You are the cultivator of your life. What will you plant? What needs a fertile blessing? What do you want to grow? A new habit, a relationship, or a work project that requires completion can benefit from the swelling energy of the New Moon and a fertility blessing. As you clearly envision what you want to plant and grow, say:
Within me I plant a tiny seed,
Of what I want, I love, and believe,
With light comes growth swelling long,
I grow this seed big, bold, and strong.
See the project, friendship, or habit growing and evolving. See its fruition and completion. Feel the charge of accomplishment, and know yourself fertile in your endeavors. As the vision becomes detailed and finite, say:
With the Moon this shall succeed.
In the days ahead as the Moon swells, affirm each day the growth and flowering of your intention. See the results.

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