POSTED UNDER Spring, Summer, Sun

Stretching Time Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Ivy
In spring, the days grow longer as the Sun returns from the south. But it's not summer yet-and there's a lot to do. Sometimes you need more time than a day holds. For this spell, you need some honey, a gold-colored metal image of the Sun, wax, and a clean empty jar with a lid. In the morning light, hold up the metal sun and say:
Sun in the sky
Sun in my hand
Be now as one
By my command!
Place the metal sun into the empty jar. Pour the honey over the metal sun until the jar fills, saying:
May the hours of the day
Be bright and sunny
And may the river of time
Flow slow as honey.
Cap the jar tightly and seal it with wax. When you need more daylight, hold the jar and imagine the hours stretching out like a strand of honey.

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