POSTED UNDER Earth, Money, Water

Give Thanks to the Earth Mother

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Clove
Today is the festival of Tellus Mater, the Earth Mother. While many Pagans follow nature-based religions, we sometimes forget to give back to the Mother who gives us our very lives through food, water, shelter, and even the molecules that make up our bodies. Make today a day to do something for Tellus Mater to let her know just how important she is to you. Take some time, regardless of the weather, to go outside and open yourself wide to her energy. Research "green" changes you can easily make in your life and then put them into practice. Volunteer to pick up trash or remove harmful invasive species. Donate money to an eco-friendly nonprofit group. Write a letter to an elected official or other decision-maker in support of an environmentally friendly law or practice, and work some magic to give the letter extra "oomph" before sending it.

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