POSTED UNDER Beltane, Wind

Spell for a Beautiful Dew

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Pine

Today is Beltane, one of the eight sabbats marking the wheel of the year. Pagans celebrate this holiday with bonfires, feasting, and dancing around the Maypole. Associated colors include yellow, green, and sky blue. A traditional spell for beauty involved washing your face with dew gathered on Beltane morning. This updated version focuses not merely on physical beauty, but on a fresh approach to life. Go outside as early as you can-just before or after dawn is best-and wet your hands with dew from the grass or flowers. Touch your wet hands to your face, saying:
My face is as fresh as the Beltane dew
And so is my outlook on everything too.
As I wash my face and open my eyes
My heart becomes light as the wind in the skies.
Everything changes, and yet remains true:
Both true to itself and
eternally new.

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