POSTED UNDER Earth, Spring, Water

Rite of Spring for Ritual Robes

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
Each spring the moisture of the earth takes to beading itself on every living breath and the fresh mornings are made sweet with the drops of dew that linger. Having an early morning roll in the dew while in full ritual garb may draw a few strange looks from the neighbors, but it is awfully good fun. As the robe absorbs the fresh waters of life, try to imagine brand-new magical adventures and talents emerging from the rituals in which you will wear your robes. Feel the elements as they cradle you in the essence of life and draw that through the robes to your very flesh. Recognize the vital prana, or life force, in the small drops of water. Each time you wear your robe, tap back into that energy and utilize it as you explore and observe the sacred.

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