POSTED UNDER Cat, Love, Purification, AND MORE

Purification Spell for Water

The incantation below is a purification spell that you can use as part of a larger working, or alone when swimming, walking in the rain, boating, and so on. It can also be used in preparing for the birth of a baby, or during the birthing process. If necessary, use the incantation as a drought-buster. Begin by saying: "Water protects the embryo, ancestor love of long ago. Tides and rivers dance and flow, enchant this place, let magic grow. Revive! Bring change! I make it so." For added water energy in magic, carve the zodiac symbols of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio on the candle color of your choice, and stand the candle in one half inch of water as it burns.
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About Silver RavenWolf
Silver RavenWolf (Pennsylvania) is a nationally recognized leader and elder of Wicca, and her writing has been instrumental in guiding the future of one of the fastest-growing faiths in America today. The author of many books, she has been interviewed by The New York Times, Newsweek Magazine, ...
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