Animal Guardian Meditation

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Pine
If you have discovered your animal guardian, then you know what a silly sense of humor they have. Part of the pleasure of their company is laughter and innocent joy. How do you know who your animal guardian is? It's so simple! You just ask. In the book, The Golden Compass, your guardian is referred to as your daemon. We are born with one and they are our guardians, differing from a totem or medicine animal. One of the easiest ways to make contact is through a meditation or dream. Before going to sleep, state aloud and very clearly that you are ready to meet your animal guardian. You may need to do this more than once. If he/she appears in a dream, don't forget to ask its name. This is like a cosmic ignition key that activates your relationship. You will begin to experience their presence wherever you go. If your guardian doesn't make an obvious appearance, then look for signs as you go about your day. If you are attentive, you will be rewarded. Your guardian loves attention!

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