A Prosperity Spell

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Lily
Hey, do you know what day it is? (Of course you do, you're a Witch!) It's the day after the New Moon. The Moon is experiencing her third day of "darkness," (just as the Moon is "full for three days") and there is no better time, in terms of the phases of the Moon, to work some prosperity magic. Who doesn't need a few extra bucks-or a few thousand? Take a walk with an empty chalice in hand, and gather as many types of fresh green leaves as there are in your general vicinity. If you have dried herbs like patchouli and peppermint, or green stones like jade or aventurine, add them to the mix. When you arrive home, light a green candle, enter a meditative state, and pour fresh spring water into the chalice, saying something like:
As this sacred water dries, so the properties of these glorious plants are released. I charge the spell as one of prosperity, abundance, and financial growth; may the powers of water and earth assist me in drawing all the finances I need-and much more. So mote it be.
Repeat the words every day until the water is fully evaporated.

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