Today is Parents' Day. We are all parents to our inner child. To connect with your inner parent, find a quiet place and take three centering breaths. As you breathe deeply, go deep inside yourself to your heart center. Look around and connect with its loving energy. You will see your own child spirit here and send energy from your heart to this child; feel the vibrant energy between you. From your left walks your inner mother. Send her energy from your heart and feel the vibrant connection. From your right walks your inner father. Send him energy from your heart and feel the vibrant connection. You are enveloped in a hug. Know that you can come to them for guidance when you need the loving hand of a mother or father or both. Return now to the here and now by taking three centering breaths and opening your eyes.
With a spell for each day of the year, this almanac makes it easy to explore new magical endeavors.
Regardless of your interests or skill level, this spell-packed annual offers something for every...