Color of the day: Crimson Incense of the day: Balsam As you walk beside the river's edge, a hawk flies alongside you and perches in an old pine. You approach cautiously so as not to unsettle him, but he remains quite still and stares directly into your eyes. Outside your window, a robin gathers dry grasses in its beak while preparing to build its nest. A goldfinch lands on a yellow rose bush outside the kitchen door. A bald eagle flies directly overhead as you stand in awe. Awakening you in the night, you hear the owl hoot. The cat brings in a baby wren barely fledged. It dies as you watch hopeless. In the light of day, a barn owl is terrified, trapped in the garage. Swallowtails build their nest in the rafters of your porch. This is the augury of the birds. Take note of their color, their sightings, and their actions. What is the significance of a murder of crows calling as they fly past, a thunderstorm approaching? What do they tell us? That is for us to decipher.