Rose Love Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Gather two roses, a bowl, some spring water, two small pink candles with candleholders, a piece of paper, red ink, and two tablespoons rosemary. Charge the roses with love, then the candles, spring water, and rosemary. Light the candles. Make sure there are no fire hazards such as wind blowing in through the window. Sprinkle rosemary around the base of the candleholders clockwise. Fill the bowl with spring water and place the roses in it. Sprinkle rosemary around the bowl clockwise. Write your magical need on paper with ink. Be specific about what you want. When ready, place the paper beneath the bowl and recite:
I want love,
As a pair like the roses in the bowl,
I draw love from above,
My partner will I soon behold!
Visualize your wish being fulfilled and that you are happily sharing life with a suitable partner. Let the candles burn down.

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